Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Friday!  We hope your child has been coming home from school sharing what they are learning.  We want to remind everyone that PWS Open House is on Tuesday, September 17th from 6:00-7:00 for K, 1 and 2.  Grades 3 and 4 will be from 7:00-8:00.  This is a great night for you to see some of  your child's work and meet their teacher.

An important message about our AlertNow phone calls.
This year, we are using a different service that has some unique enhancements.  One of these is that instead of the SAU Office number being shown on your Caller ID, the number 855-344-6323 will be displayed.  Parents or students may call this toll-free number to replay any previous notification.  When your Caller ID feature is enabled, the phone call will display the toll-free Caller ID number noted above. If you want to call into the system to listen to a message you may have missed, you simply hit re-dial on your phone, and, if your Caller ID is not blocked, the system will identify you and play back the most recent 10 calls to that number from the past 30 days - including the time/date that the message was sent.

If you have your caller ID blocked, the system will prompt you to enter the number that received the original call, after which the system will reply with the recent messages to that number.  We anticipate that this enhancement will be beneficial if the phone call was dropped in the middle of the message or there were other difficulties in the transmission.

The Bedford Parent Teacher Group (PTG) is a non-profit organization of parents, teachers, administrators and concerned citizens working together to provide our children with the best possible educational experience.  By becoming a PTG member, you help sponsor enrichment programs and assist in purchasing equipment & learning materials for our children.  Join the PTG and enjoy the many opportunities available to participate in our school events and in your child’s classroom!
 The annual membership cost is $15.00 per family.  Just complete & return the membership form to your child’s school.  You can download the form at
 We thank you for your continued support of the Bedford PTG!

On Wednesday we had some visitors on the school yard in the morning.  There were two unleased dogs.  Students were escorted inside until Mr. Mitchell got the dogs back to their owners.  The students were happy to be able to go back outside and play for the remainder of the morning recess time.

On Friday, we experienced a power outage. This was only momentary but it did take some time for PSNH to restore power to the entire school. For approximately an hour we were at partial power. The students handled this unexpected delay with composure and understanding.

Finally, a reminder that this Thursday, Sept. 19th is school picture day. Forms will be coming home this week.

Cheryl Daley                      Dan Mitchell
Principal                            Assistant Principal

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