Happy May! The student story of the week. The question of the week is, "Is there a number beyond infinity?" When talking to Kindergarten students during snack there were many great answers. A couple examples are. A boy stated, "Yes, there is an infinity plus 1." Another answer was, "Yes, infinity and beyond."
The fourth graders are getting excited about their new adventures they will have at McKevlie. Please see the information below about Parent Night for upcoming 5th graders.
Parent Information Night
For Next Year’s Grade 5 Students May 21, 2014
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. McKelvie School Cafeteria
Parent Information Night is for parents of students who will be transitioning to McKelvie Intermediate School from Peter Woodbury, Riddle Brook, and Memorial schools. The evening is designed to provide parents with a general overview of McKelvie Intermediate School. The presentation will include:
For Next Year’s Grade 5 Students May 21, 2014
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. McKelvie School Cafeteria
Parent Information Night is for parents of students who will be transitioning to McKelvie Intermediate School from Peter Woodbury, Riddle Brook, and Memorial schools. The evening is designed to provide parents with a general overview of McKelvie Intermediate School. The presentation will include:
- A Day In the Life of a 5th grader
What is a “pod”?
Frequently Asked Questions
Meeting the 5th grade team
A tour of the facility
Prior to attending this meeting, please take a moment and visit the McKelvie Intermediate School web site at www.sau25.net. Here you will find our Student Handbook that contains information that may be helpful for you and your child as you prepare for the transition from elementary to intermediate school.
For parents/guardians of students who will participate in SUCCESS, who have a 504 plan, or have an Individual Education Plan (IEP), we are offering a time to meet with staff prior to the general presentation. These sessions will provide information about these specific programs. The sessions will begin at 6:00 p.m. and finish by 6:30 p.m. when the general presentation will begin.
Dates To Remember:
June 4th @ 6pm – Health Night “Growing Up For Boys/Girls” (Letter from Health Teacher to Follow)
June 5th – Band Rental Night (McKelvie Cafe – 6:00pm – Letter to Follow)
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 – 5th Grade Parent Night by Pod (Tentative – Confirmation to be sent home via post card in August)
As part of his senior project, Jon Greiner, a BHS senior, is teaching elementary school children (grades 1-4) how to play tennis on May 17th at the Legacy courts. For more information, please see the flyer below.Tennis Flyer
School Supply Drive
Girl Scout Troop 13973 is collecting school supplies for families of
the Moore Center
in Manchester. The Moore Center serves people with intellectual, developmental and personal challenges by creating opportunities for a good life.
in Manchester. The Moore Center serves people with intellectual, developmental and personal challenges by creating opportunities for a good life.
Suggestions include:
Backpacks Lunch
Boxes Notebooks
Pencils Crayons Markers
Glue sticks Rulers Scissors
Pencil Boxes Erasers Folders
We are also collecting loose change to help purchase supplies. A
donation box is located in the hallway of your school. Donations are needed by
June 13.
Thanks for your support!
Samantha Avampato, Grace Crowder, Raquel DeLeo, Sydney Grogan,
Allison Kissner, Clara Lewandowski, Sophia Macdonald, Emma Malayandy, Susan
Munley, Bella Phillips, Maya Vigil, Kaitlyn Wallace and Abby Weidner.
Volunteer Opportunities
We are excited to announce a couple opportunities for parents to get involved with our school community. Both of these opportunities offer a small stipened.
Homework Club
This happens two days a week for 45 minutes (2:30-3:15). This club is an opportunity for 3rd and 4th graders to complete their homework in a quiet atmosphere. We encourage students to complete homework independently but adults are there are needed. The number of students that attend is typically 15-20. Two adults work well running this club.
Garden Club
Garden Club runs one day a week from 2:30-4:00. There are three sessions. One in the Fall for 4-5 weeks and two in the Spring for 4-5 weeks. It is for a minimum total of 12 weeks with 25 students each session. There is flexibility with the day that is chosen. There would be direction on what to do with the students during this time. If you have ever enjoyed the experience and excitement of a child finding a bug outside then this job is for you.
PWS End of Year Happenings
May 19th-4h Grade Diversity Day
May 28th-Spring Concert 7:00 PM
June 6th-Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast-9:00 AM
June 12th-Field Day 9:00-11:00 Grade 3/4 12:00-2:00 Grades 1/2
June 17th-4th Grade Cookout-12:30 PM
June 18th-Kindergarten Recognition Day-9:00 AM
June 19th-4th Grade Clap Out-8:45 AM
Have a great weekend,
Cheryl Daley Dan Mitchell
Principal Assistant Principal
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