Hello PWS Families,
Happy Valentine's Day! The students were full of joy today as they handed out Valentines to their peers and teachers.
Spirit Week
Next week is our annual Spirit Week. The themes of the days are as follows:
Monday 2/16: PWS/school spirit day
Tuesday 217 :Pajama Day-wear your comfortable, school appropriate clothes. No slippers please. Students will still go outside for recess if the weather allows.
Wednesday 2/18: Wacky Wednesday-be creative!
Thursday 2/19: Hat or Crazy Hair Day-wear a favorite hat or style your hair in a new/fun way
Friday 2/20: Favorite Color or Tie Dye day
Invention Convention
Our school's Invention Convention is on Monday, February 16. Drop off time is from 7:30 -8:00 AM. Please come in through the gym doors. Mrs. Possee will be there to tell students where to put their projects. Students who are doing a science question project or a report on a famous inventor need to bring their reports to their classrooms that morning. Parent visitation is from 10:30-11:15. All participants will be exhibiting their projects from 10:30-11:15 We hope to see many parents there!!!! SNOW DATE is Thursday, February 19 same times.
Math and Literacy Night
Please come and join us for Family Math and Literacy Night on Thursday, February 19 from 5:45-7:00 PM. It will surely be an evening of fun, games and excitement!!! While you are here, you will play various games that reinforce math and reading concepts your child experiences in school in Everyday Math (K-4), Reading Street (K), and Open court (1–4). There will be extra direction sheets for most games, so you can practice these skills at home. There will be a story time in our library at 6:00 and again at 6:30. Come and explore some games and activities on our iPads! Hope to see you there!
Message from BEEP
We hear there is going to be more snow arriving. We are happy to say that students got outside this week. The children love to play in the snow. Unfortunately, the snow bank is so high we need to keep them off it for safety reasons. Our last day of school right now is scheduled for Wednesday, June 17th.
We wish you all a fantastic weekend filled with love and laughter!
Mrs. Cheryl Daley Mr. Dan Mitchell
Principal Assistant Principal
Happy Valentine's Day! The students were full of joy today as they handed out Valentines to their peers and teachers.
Smarter Balanced Assessments
This spring, students in grades 3 - 8 and grade 11 will be taking new state tests in English Language Arts and Mathematics. The tests, known as Smarter Balanced, replace the NECAP tests. Smarter Balanced will be used by 20 states including New Hampshire. This will allow us to compare our students' performance to other high performing school districts across the country. Students will take these tests on the computer over several days. In the coming weeks, we will be sending more detailed information about Smarter Balanced, how it works, and what your child can expect.
Fourth Grade Visit to State House
Today, the fourth graders visited the State House. The students had nervous smiles on their faces as they boarded the school buses. We were able to have some excited conversations with some of the fourth graders before they left. They were all hoping they would meet Governor Hassan. When the students arrive back they will be having lunch and handing out their Valentine's.
Some of our students were lucky enough to meet Gov. Hassan!!
Spirit Week
Next week is our annual Spirit Week. The themes of the days are as follows:
Monday 2/16: PWS/school spirit day
Tuesday 217 :Pajama Day-wear your comfortable, school appropriate clothes. No slippers please. Students will still go outside for recess if the weather allows.
Wednesday 2/18: Wacky Wednesday-be creative!
Thursday 2/19: Hat or Crazy Hair Day-wear a favorite hat or style your hair in a new/fun way
Friday 2/20: Favorite Color or Tie Dye day
Invention Convention
Our school's Invention Convention is on Monday, February 16. Drop off time is from 7:30 -8:00 AM. Please come in through the gym doors. Mrs. Possee will be there to tell students where to put their projects. Students who are doing a science question project or a report on a famous inventor need to bring their reports to their classrooms that morning. Parent visitation is from 10:30-11:15. All participants will be exhibiting their projects from 10:30-11:15 We hope to see many parents there!!!! SNOW DATE is Thursday, February 19 same times.
Math and Literacy Night
Please come and join us for Family Math and Literacy Night on Thursday, February 19 from 5:45-7:00 PM. It will surely be an evening of fun, games and excitement!!! While you are here, you will play various games that reinforce math and reading concepts your child experiences in school in Everyday Math (K-4), Reading Street (K), and Open court (1–4). There will be extra direction sheets for most games, so you can practice these skills at home. There will be a story time in our library at 6:00 and again at 6:30. Come and explore some games and activities on our iPads! Hope to see you there!
Message from BEEP
The Bedford Early Education Program (BEEP) is now enrolling three and four year old children in classes for the 2015-16 school year. BEEP is a developmentally appropriate preschool that is provided by the Bedford School District. Morning classes are available 2-5 days per week for three year olds. Four year old classes are available in the afternoons M-TH. All classes are held at Memorial School. Please contact Chris Lassonde at 627-1776, x3216 for more information including availability and tuition rates.
Third Grade Fire and Life Safety Calendar Contest
The Department of Safety, Office of the State Fire Marshal and the New Hampshire Fire Prevention Society believe that Fire Prevention and Life Safety should be a part of daily life throughout the year in every New Hampshire household. Third grade students are challenged to research a safety theme and design a poster representing an important fire prevention and life safety message. Winners will have there poster displayed in the annual fire prevention calendar given to all third grade students in New Hampshire. Posters should be drawn on a paper no larger than 11x17 and held landscape. Please include contact information on the back. Information packets can be picked up in the main office and all entries need to be turned in by next Friday. Good Luck!
Third Grade Fire and Life Safety Calendar Contest
The Department of Safety, Office of the State Fire Marshal and the New Hampshire Fire Prevention Society believe that Fire Prevention and Life Safety should be a part of daily life throughout the year in every New Hampshire household. Third grade students are challenged to research a safety theme and design a poster representing an important fire prevention and life safety message. Winners will have there poster displayed in the annual fire prevention calendar given to all third grade students in New Hampshire. Posters should be drawn on a paper no larger than 11x17 and held landscape. Please include contact information on the back. Information packets can be picked up in the main office and all entries need to be turned in by next Friday. Good Luck!
We hear there is going to be more snow arriving. We are happy to say that students got outside this week. The children love to play in the snow. Unfortunately, the snow bank is so high we need to keep them off it for safety reasons. Our last day of school right now is scheduled for Wednesday, June 17th.
We wish you all a fantastic weekend filled with love and laughter!
Mrs. Cheryl Daley Mr. Dan Mitchell
Principal Assistant Principal
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