Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015

Dear Parents,

What an exciting week!  Students enjoyed dressing up for each theme day.  Thursday we had a Jump Rope Assembly and today John Farrell came.  Ask your child about what Mr. Mitchell was today!

School House Rock Play-McKelvie School
Good Morning PWS 4th Grade Families ~
I wanted to let you know that April 24 and April 25 is McKelvie's production of School House Rock.  Our 5th and 6th grade students have been working with Nate Sawyer, of the Palace Theater to develop this production.  Please know that you are very welcome to attend. Visiting McKelvie might help reduce anxiety (seeing kids they know having fun), give your child a sense of opportunities here, or just be a fun night out.
Show times are 4/24 @ 7:00 pm and 4/25 @ 1:00 PM and 7:00 pm.  Tickets can be purchased at the door.  If you attend, feel free to introduce yourself.  I will be thrilled to meet you.
Michael Fournier
McKelvie Prinicipal

Fairy Houses
The Faerie Folk Festival is just around the corner and preparations are underway.  This wonderful community event features author Tracy Kane and the Southern New Hampshire Dance Theater in addition to a fairy house tour, Mother Nature, games, crafts, and building your own fairy house!  Come, join us June 6th on the PWS School Yard, for a time of “earthy” connections and imagination. All proceeds benefit the sustainability of the PWS School Yard!  Get your tickets early by clicking HERE  For more information, go to our website

You are invited to submit fairy houses for out Faerie House Tour!!  Build as a family or advertise your business! Use your imagination and natural materials to create a one of a kind masterpiece. Visit the Faerie Folk Festival website at or click ​​HERE for directions.

DI Fundraiser
PWS has a box in the lobby collecting shoes, bags and belts for a DI fundraiser through Ecosmilth Recyclers.  Year round, all clothing can be placed in a bag then put in the special Ecosmith bins in the parking lot of all our schools.  Ecosmith credit us per pound and this money has been very helpful for the DI program.

Scholastic Book Fair
We raised $15, 924.98 from our Scholastic Book Fair.  Thank you so much for the continued support. Teachers were really appreciative of the books they received and the children were all talking about the new books they were reading...

Superintendent Feedback Survey
You may recall that I recently asked you to complete a survey on my performance this year. The purpose of the survey was to gather feedback to improve.  Here are the results. Thank you to the respondents (107 employees, 321 parents, 4 students, and 14 community members).  One competency where I was rated relatively high was "listens, analyzes and responds to issues related to the needs of the community (including students, teachers, parents and residents)."  One competency that was relatively low was “recognizes diversity and promotes acceptance and tolerance within the school district community.”  I appreciate all the feedback and will work, in particular, on doing a better job recognizing diversity and promoting acceptance and tolerance. 

Grandparents Day
Remember that Grandparents Day is on Friday, May 8th.  It begins at 8:30 am with Arrival and Check In. 
Please contact for any questions.

Take Care,

Cheryl Daley               Dan Mitchell
Principal                      Assistant Principal

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