Friday, January 15, 2016

January 15, 2016

Dear PWS Families,

Hello and Happy Winter!  Today, Mr. Mitchell and I had the honor or working with 4th grade students on Genius Hours.  Students ask a question they are curious about, complete research and present their findings to the class.  Some of the questions the students had were, “Why is Tom Brady such a great Quarterback?”, “Why are there so many languages?”, and “How did language begin?”  Please read below about an exciting all school meeting we had on Thursday.

PWS Happenings
School Show-Rob Surette
On Thursday, our students had the opportunity to experience HeroArt. HeroArt is a performance by artist Rob Surette that mixes music, storytelling, history, and speed art. The students heard stories and watched as Rob created paintings of Christa McAuliffe, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., and Yoda right before their eyes. It was an energetic, engaging, inspiring, and memorable show for all.

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Here is a link to more info: Rob Surette School Show Info

Penguin Day
January 20th is National Penguin Day.  Since Waddles, our PWS mascot is a penguin we thought it would be appropriate to celebrate such a holiday. We are asking that the students wear black and white or any other penguin themed attire.  We will be sharing some penguin fun facts and finding other ways to incorporate penguins throughout the day. It should be a Wonderful Waddling Wednesday!!!!  

Father/Daughter Dance
The First Annual PWS Father Daughter Dance will be on Friday, February 5 from 6:00-8:00 in the PWS Multi-Purpose room.  Please remember to turn in your order form for tickets by January 29.

Weekly Lunch Message
Good Bosses need to Zoom In to the little things,but you also need to Zoom Out and pay attention to bigger things like classroom and school rules or how everyone is behaving in a certain space. To Zoom Out pretend you are using a camera with a wide lens, or look around at most the people in your space. Zoom Out by pretending to put a megaphone on your ear so you can hear important loudspeaker announcements, the pledge, and what the Cafeteria Monitors are saying.

Upcoming Dates
Monday, January 18th-Martin Luther King Day-No School

Wednesday, January 20th-National Penguin Day-Please wear black and white that day.

Wednesday, January 20th-Mrs. Stallone’s 2nd Grade Play 6:00 PM

Friday, January 22nd 10:45-4th Grade Spelling Bee

Thursday, January 28th, Principals' Winter Read 4:30 PM, 6:30 PM, McKelvie

Friday, February 5, 6;00 PM Father/Daughter Dance

Have a great weekend,

Cheryl Daley Dan Mitchell

Principal Assistant Principal

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