Dear PWS Families,
We have had a very eventful last full week of school. This week we had our Drums Alive presentation with the third grade, fourth graders went on their field trip to the Flume, we were able to celebrate our Kindergarteners at a whole school meeting, we had field day, and we had a wonderful visit yesterday from the BHS graduating seniors. While the first and second grade enjoyed field day, the third and fourth graders gave the seniors a nice clap out. It was so great to see former students all grown up and in their caps and gowns.
A mother shared this story with us: She was driving by PWS with her 4th grade son and asked him if he was going to miss PWS. The son looked at his mother and said, “Mom everytime I drive by the school I will know that a piece of the sun is mine! He of course was referring to the beautiful sign that he helped create as part of an Artist in Residence program last year.
PWS Happenings
School Supplies Reminder
Order your school supplies now! Based on parent feedback, the Bedford PTG has partnered with SchoolKidz, a Staples Company, to provide parents a convenient, easy and economical way to order their students' school supplies for the upcoming school year. CLICK HERE for more information and school account codes. Paper Orders are due Monday, June 13th and online ordering closes Friday, June 17th.
Report Cards On Line
A reminder that no paper copies of report cards will sent home, except in Kindergarten. Here is a link to directions on how to access your child's report card through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Summer Reading Incentive Program
Our Reading Specialist, Michele Leyden is excited to offer a school wide summer reading incentive program. Here is a link to the reading passages for your child to read over the summer! Please choose the grade level that your child is going into. The passages are short and interesting with rich vocabulary that will keep your child engaged. Simply enjoy spending some time with your child as he/she reads and responds to each passage. You can login with the username and password pws03110 until August 19th. Have your child return their reading responses to Mrs. Leyden at the start of the school year to receive a small prize! Also, if you are looking for suggested books for your child to read over the summer, you can find a reading list here.
Summer Skills Workbooks
If you are interested in ordering any summer skills workbooks please click the link below.
Community Info
Four Way Stops on County Road to Continue
The intersections at Nashua Road and County Road in front of Bedford High School and at Liberty Hill Road and County Road in front of McKelvie School
will remain 4-way stop intersections through the end of the school year. On
May 25, Bedford Police Department met with the school district, the
Department of Public Works and our engineering consultant and decided to extend the temporary change. More information can be found at the Bedford Police Department website.
Tree Clearing and Other Summer Construction Projects
The Bedford School District completes significant maintenance projects every summer. McKelvie is having an older section of roof replaced and getting an upgrade to two student bathrooms in need of replacement. At Peter Woodbury, the parking lot is being replaced and traffic flow is being reconfigured. You may notice this project in late June or early July when the trees in front of Peter Woodbury are removed to make way for the expanded parking lot.
School Lunch Price Increase
We want to make sure families are aware that we need to increase prices of school lunches for the coming year. For the 2016-17 school year, elementary lunch will cost $2.65 and middle and high school lunch will cost $3.25.
Upcoming Dates
Monday, June 13th- Grade 4 Cookout 12:00 pm-2:00 pm
Tuesday, June 14th- Kindergarten Graduation-9:00 am-10:30 am
Wednesday, June 15th - Last day for students- 12:20 dismissal
Have a great weekend,
Cheryl Daley Dan Mitchell
Principal Assistant Principal
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