Dear PWS Families,
It was a wonderful full week of school. Everyone seems to be hitting their stride in this new school year. It has been great to see all the progress that the students are making at all levels. While spending time with Kindergarten students I was proudly shown the patterns they were making with pattern blocks. Our fourth graders have decorated our halls with their campaign posters, as voting season is in full force for student council here at Peter Woodbury. We look forward to another exciting week of promise, work, and discover before we all enjoy the long weekend that will follow.
This week we also had our first Whole School Meeting. The theme of the meeting was the Zones of Regulation. The students were reminded of the Zones and the strategies we can use to maintain regulation. If you are unfamiliar with the Zones maybe this video can help: Zones Rap
PWS Happenings
Front Parking Lot
Thank you all for your cooperation and understanding when it comes to our new parking lot and its design. As a reminder, all traffic entering should immediately turn right into the parking area. We continue to learn new things about this parking lot as we go. We ask for your continued attention to pedestrians and your speed when entering and exiting. Finally, as has always been procedure, we ask that no students be dropped off in any traffic lane, but rather you park and walk them in using the raised crosswalk in the center. Thank you again and we look forward to continued success and safety with our new parking lot.
Updates from Staff
On a monthly basis, we will be including updates from Technology, Reading and Enrichment. These updates are meant to inform our families of some events, activities, and initiatives that have a greater impact on the whole school. Mrs. Cassamassino’s the Technology Educator, Michele Leyden the Reading Specialist and Kara Speaker the Enrichment Teacher website updates are below.
Art Club for Grade Four
Fourth graders who would enjoy extra creative time and involvement in PWS community projects are welcome to join Art Club!
Art Club will be held on Mondays after school. There will be two 9-week sessions.
Session 1: October 17- December 12
Session 2: February 13- April 17
Sign up is on a first come, first served basis.
To sign up or learn more click here: Art Club Sign Up
From the Community
Destination Imagination - Registration Closing Thursday, October 6th, 2016
Anyone still interested in participating in Destination Imagination this year must register their child by Thursday, October 6th with our DI Coordinator. To learn more about the program and how to provide your child with this enrichment opportunity, please contact Marie Russell at
From the PTG
PTG Membership
Help the PTG continue to bring exciting programs to our school like Eyes on Owls, Book Fair, Math Superstars, and It's a G.A.S., among so many others.. Programs like this cannot happen without support from parents and teachers in the Bedford community. There is still time to help, simply click on this link to make a donation via credit card or PayPal or send in a check payable to Bedford PTG in an enveloped marked “PTG Support” with your name, email address and child’s school. We sincerely appreciate your support.
Did You Know
The PTG receives 40% of the sales from our Gifts, Wrap & More Fundraiser? You will find quality wrapping paper, delicious snacks, gifts, gadgets and more through Meadow Farms. This fundraiser ends Monday, October 3rd and ALL proceeds go right back into our schools.
Shorty’s Night
YOU’RE INVITED to join the PTG at Shorty’s in Bedford on Thursday, October 6th! On the first Thursday of every month the Bedford PTG will receive 15% of all sales, beverages included, dine in or take out, all day long. Simply print or show them this flyer or just let them know to give a copy of your receipt to the hostess.
Hannaford Dollars
There is only one collection tower for Hannaford Dollars. It is located at the Jenkins Road Hannaford. To save you a trip, feel free to drop them off at Peter Woodbury School Collection lasts until December 3rd.
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, October 4th- Grades 1 & 2 Fire Department Visit
Monday, October 10th- No School: Columbus Day
Tuesday, October 11th- 3rd & 4th Grade: Homework Club Begins
Monday, October 17th - 4th Grade: Art Club Begins
Thursday, October 20th - Math and Literacy Night
Thursday, October 27th - 2nd Grade Scarecrow Jubilee
Have a great weekend,
Cheryl Daley Dan Mitchell
Principal Assistant Principal
Repeated Messages
Bedford Education Foundation
Fall Fundraiser
Friday November 4, 2016 at 7:00pm
Manchester Country Club
Tickets available at
$50 for community members and $25 for faculty and staff in Bedford
Don’t miss this fantastic evening out for a great cause
For more information or for sponsorship opportunities please email
Ecosmith Recycle Bins for Destination Imagination
Did you know that every school in the district has an Ecosmith Recycle Bin? This is a great way to donate/recycle old clothes, while helping raise funds for our teams who advance to Global Finals each year. You can put any kind of fabrics in these bins, towels and stuffed animals too. Ripped shirts and pants with holes are fine, as well as well worn shoes. Bedford DI greatly appreciates your continued participation in this program.
PWS Gear
If anyone is interested in buying new PWS gear such as shirts, sweatshirts, pajama pants, and lunch bags please visit If you would prefer, we also have paper order forms available in the front office.
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