Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

Hello PWS Families,

We had an exciting day on Thursday morning when one of our second graders, Emily Lyon, was dropped off by a fire truck at school.  Emily won a coloring contest at the Fire Prevention Open House.  The second graders in her class along with teacher Mrs. Nunnally came out to meet her and got to walk through the fire truck.  

It has been great seeing so many parents and families come in for parent teacher conferences. If you haven't had yours yet, we look forward to seeing you in the next few weeks.

Now, a brief note from Mrs. Beltramo:

We want to thank all of you for the donations for the Veterans.  It is wonderful to see such support for our Armed Service men and women.  From the beautiful cards to the much appreciated products and monetary donations, it is so humbling to be part of such a generous community.

Please read about the BHS/PWS collaborative project that happened in October between the BHS World Religions class and Mrs. Correia's 4th graders:
  • BHS students rewrote a Jataka tale so younger students would understand it
  • PWS students visited BHS - learned about Jataka tales and acted out the stories in the theater (also got tour of the school)
  • PWS created images for each scene of the stories with iPads
  • BHS students visited PWS - created an ebook together (also got a tour of the school)
  • **NEW this year** Fourth grade assembly so that all 4th graders could learn about experience and watch one of the Jataka tales
  • BHS and PWS students reflected on the experience in a Google Doc
  • eBooks published to iTunes for people to download for FREE
Check out the related blog: (here you will have access to download ebooks if you wish from iTunes, as well as read responses from students on their experience.  There is also a slideshow of pictures documenting the experience.) On behalf of all teachers involved, thanks again for giving both schools an opportunity to participate in this experience.

Please read below about the upcoming High School play.

Celebrating the always wonderful message about the importance of being yourself, Bedford High School’s performance of Legally Blonde is enormously entertaining and fun.  Embracing everything from jumping ropes to spoofing Riverdance, Legally Blonde takes cliche expectations and merrily dances all over them.  Its showcasing of stereotypes in an attempt to shatter them is utterly enjoyable, but there is a fair amount of mature innuendo intended for older audiences and the show is rated PG.  Best described as perky, energetic and bright, with a pop score and dance numbers that will leave you feeling exhausted on the kids’ behalf, the show is an absolute hoot.

To snag the best seats for Legally Blonde, you can purchase tickets online at and are always welcome to purchase them at the door forty minutes before a show.  The show is on Thursday, November 14th; Friday, November 15th; Saturday, November 16th at 7pm and Sunday, November 17th at 2pm.  It is also playing on Friday, November 22nd and Saturday, November 23rd at 7pm.  Hope to see you there!

Please see below about a project by a BHS student.
Gather Up ALL your retired sports equipment! 
Project PLAY will be at the Bedford Ski and Skate Sale on Saturday and at drop off on Friday collecting ALL the sports equipment that has been taking up space in your garage and basement. Bring in cleats, gloves, balls, shin guards, bats, helmets, dance shoes, you name it!  All donations will go directly to kids in inner city Manchester. Project PLAY is a non profit founded by Bedford's HOBY Leadership Ambassador Courtney Pederson and 2 other HOBY Alum. Project PLAY is committed to Promoting the Lives of Active Youth. Please visit their website or find them on Facebook by searching Project PLAY NH for details. E-mails never go unanswered!

Have a great weekend,

Cheryl Daley             Dan Mitchell
Principal                    Assistant Principal

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