Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday, August 27th, 2021

  PWS PrinciPal’s News


We are a community that inspires and develops, engaged, successful learners every chance, every day. 

Peter Woodbury School-A Place Where People Care!

August 27th, 2021


Dear PWS Families, 


Welcome back to the 2021-2022 school year! The PWS teachers and staff were so excited to be in person with all of our students this week. It was so heartwarming to see so many familiar faces at Meet and Greet on Wednesday. It is always a wonderful opportunity for our students and their families to interact with their new teachers and classmates. 

Our hallways were busy on Thursday and Friday as we completed the first two days of school. Classrooms were bustling as students cracked open a brand new school year full of hope and promise. We had some great reactions from students being back at PWS.

A third grade student in Miss Thissel’s class said, ¨I keep thinking I am still at camp instead of school because this STEM activity is so much fun!¨

When asked how his summer was, a second grader responded, ¨It feels like summer was three minutes long, but I like being back!¨

Mrs. Daley and Mr. Robitaille will be visiting classrooms the next two weeks to read stories and complete activities with a community theme! They are both very excited to see all the students and meet with them.

Please take a moment to read up on all that is happening around PWS and the district.


PWS News:


Parent Resources:

BSD Reopening Plan 2021/22

COVID-19 Schools Dashboard


Bus Reminders: 

Families, please remember that your student will need to wear a mask while riding the school bus. It is a good idea to have some extras in their backpack. 


We continue to load our buses a little bit slower than normal due to the start of school. Our younger students are given some extra time to make it to the bus safely. Please continue to be patient as we get our dismissal procedures back to speed. 


Anti-Bullying Partnership Agreement:

Please keep an eye out for a document going home with your child next week about bullying. The District Bullying Task Force developed a Partnership Agreement among students, teachers, and families to better understand and address student conflict, and what is and is not considered bullying.  We are asking all families to read, discuss, and sign this document to help ensure a happy, safe, and nurturing environment for all. Please click HERE if you would like an electronic copy of that agreement.


Bedford Strings Program: 

Please click Here for more information on the Bedford Stings Program and their offerings this fall!

BHS Basketball Clinic:

Calling all basketball players! The Bedford High School girl’s and boy’s basketball teams are hosting clinics for Bedford students in grades 3-8. The two-day clinic will be held on 9/12 and 9/19 in the BHS gymnasium. Registration is $50. Please click HERE for more information. 

Kinship Navigation Program: 

The Kinship Navigation Program offers services that provide parent education, emotional support, information and resources, and help to support families who may be struggling financially to enroll in things like SNAP or grants that are specifically designated for these families.  Please click Here for more information. 

PTG Principal Notes:


We look forward to a new school year full of fantastic programs and events for our students, staff and families.



Through our Support Drive, 100% of your donation goes directly to the schools and students of Bedford. Consider supporting the PTG by making a donation via PayPal by clicking HERE or by checks made out to Bedford PTG (turn into your child’s school or mail to PO Box 10077 Bedford, NH).



Interested in Volunteering at Peter Woodbury School? Click on the link below to join our growing group of parent volunteers. Signing up will allow the PTG to send you an email or Sign Up Genius form notifying you of upcoming opportunities and events within our school. You can pick and choose when and how often you are involved. If you are interested in becoming a Room Parent for your child's classroom, the link will also provide you an opportunity to let us know you are interested. PWS Volunteer Form for PTG

COMMUNITY CONVERSATION with Superintendent Fournier: Hosted by the PTG, Superintendent Mike Fournier invites you for “Conversation & Coffee” on Friday, September 10th, 9:30 a.m. at the SAU Building. This will be a small, informal gathering to discuss Bedford School District happenings. Questions and comments are encouraged. You must RSVP to attend; seating is limited. Click HERE to sign up.

MEET THE PRINCIPALS EVENT SEPTEMBER 24TH: You are invited to meet the Principals from all six schools at our annual "Meet the Principals" event on Friday, September 24th from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. It will also be broadcast live on BCTV. This is a great opportunity to hear what each school has in store for the year. Please email questions before Sept. 22 for the Q&A session that follows the presentation to

Have a wonderful weekend, 

Mrs. Cheryl Daley and Mr. Marc Robitaille

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