Friday, September 23, 2016

September 23, 2016

Dear PWS Families,
We hope you are all enjoying the beginning of Fall! The students seem to be loving the weather and their time outside.  When talking with them, they are definitely enjoying their Fall activities.  It is great to hear about all of their outside interests and activities.

The best part of our job is spending time with the students and listening to them talk about what they are learning.  In a fourth grade classroom this week, the students were telling me how they are learning to use action, dialogue, and “ show don’t tell “ in their writing stories to make them more interesting. This coming week, we will have our first Whole School Meeting. We are excited to be able to talk some more about the Zones of Regulation with the students. Be on the lookout for new terms and strategies.

PWS Happenings
Kellogg School
Our neighbor, the Kellogg School has been vacant for sometime now. However, it has a new owner and will be opening soon as a nursery school and childcare center. We know that sometimes parents have used their lot for parking during parent pick up and other times. We ask that you please refrain from using the lot during parent pick up and other school time events. The new owners have graciously allowed us to use the lot during some of our bigger events during the year. When their lot is available we will make sure to notify you. We ask for your cooperation in helping us be good neighbors to our newest community members.

Art Club for Grade Four
Fourth graders who would enjoy extra creative time and involvement in PWS community projects are welcome to join Art Club!

Art Club will be held on Mondays after school. There will be two 9-week sessions.
Session 1: October 17- December 12
Session2:  February 13- April 17.

Sign up is on a first come, first served basis.
To sign up or learn more click here:   Art Club Sign Up

Peter Woodbury School Strings Club
Starting on Thursday, October 6th Strings Club will resume for fourth grade students who are interested in learning to play the violin. We are a beginner’s group and will be learning the basics of how to play the violin and read music. The club will run from 2:40 until 3:30 every Thursday when the students will be released for parent pick-up or go to the after school program. Space is limited so please return the bottom of this sheet to the office as soon as possible. The club will be run by Mrs. Julia Anderson, an experienced local violin teacher. We are going to ask students to commit to coming thru December. I am so excited to begin this musical adventure with your students!
Parents, for your student to attend you will need to provide an instrument, Essential Elements
for Strings Violin Book 1, shoulder rest (a foam one is fine), and music stand. We highly
suggest renting an instrument, Music and Arts in Manchester has a promotion running
currently which gives 3 months for the price of one, they also carry the book and other items.
If you get there and can’t remember what all you need simply ask the clerk, they have been
informed of our list.
If you are interested, please click on the link below for more information and a permission slip to enroll your child.

Box Tops For Education Program
PWS participates in the Box Tops For Education program - which means that we receive money for our schools by sending in lots of little teeny-tiny rectangles.  Last year, we earned ~ $2300, which went directly to the teachers to purchase items for their classrooms.
Over the next few weeks, classroom volunteers will be introducing the program to our new students and reminding returning students that they can help raise money for items in their classroom. We will collect and mail our BoxTops a few times a year, with the next collection deadline set for Friday October 14.
What you can do to help:
1. Clip and Bring: Look for pink Box Tops on products, clip them, and send them to school in your student’s Go Binders.  (Be sure to also include any special Box Top Codes or Bonus BoxTops!)
2.  Ask your Neighbors/Family: Send a note out to your neighbors and friends that don't have school-age kids; they may not be aware that they are throwing away money.
3.  Become a BTFE Member: If you become a member on, you can enter PWS into ongoing raffles for more Box Tops, and get exclusive great coupons to products.
For more information on the Box Tops for Education program, including a list of participating products and our school’s progress, visit
Homework Club
Homework Club, for 3rd and 4th graders, will begin on Tuesday, October 11th.  Permission slips will be sent home soon with students in their Go Binders.  

From the PTG
PTG Membership
Back to school greetings from the PTG! We are looking forward to another great school year full of fantastic programs and events for our students, staff and families. We are happy to announce that we are now accepting donations via PAYPAL. For more information on our programming or to make a donation online visit our website at Donations via check can be made out to Bedford PTG and returned to school with students in the PTG support envelopes that have been sent home. With your support we are able to put $70,000/year in programs and events into our schools!!

Hannaford Dollars
There is only one collection tower for Hannaford Dollars.  It is located at the Jenkins Road Hannaford.  To save you a trip, feel free to drop them off at Peter Woodbury School  Collection lasts until December 3rd.

Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag Program
Hannaford Bedford stores on Kilton Road and Jenkins Road will donate $1.00 to the Bedford PTG for every blue “Hannaford Helps” reusable bag purchased during the entire month of September!

Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, September 27-4th Grade Chorus Begins
Wednesday, September 28th-Room Parent Luncheon 11:00 am-1:00pm.
Tuesday, October 4th-Grades 1 and 2 Fire Department Visit
Monday, October 10th-No School-Columbus Day
Tuesday, October 11th-3rd and 4th Grade-Homework Club Begins

Have a great weekend,

Cheryl Daley Dan Mitchell
Principal Assistant Principal

Repeated Messages
PTG Coffee with the Principals
Community Event Hosted by the PTG. You are invited to have “Coffee with the Principals” on Thursday, September 29 at BCTV, 9:30 - 10:30. Come meet our Principals and hear what’s in store for the school year. Presentation will be followed by a Q & A. Your younger children are welcome to attend. Coffee & light refreshments will be served.

Bedford Education Foundation
Fall Fundraiser
Friday November 4, 2016 at 7:00pm  
Manchester Country Club

Tickets available at
$50 for community members and $25 for faculty and staff in Bedford
Don’t miss this fantastic evening out for a great cause
For more information or for sponsorship opportunities please email

Ecosmith Recycle Bins for Destination Imagination
Did you know that every school in the district has an Ecosmith Recycle Bin?  This is a great way to donate/recycle old clothes, while helping raise funds for our teams who advance to Global Finals each year.  You can put any kind of fabrics in these bins, towels and stuffed animals too.  Ripped shirts and pants with holes are fine, as well as well worn shoes.  Bedford DI greatly appreciates your continued participation in this program.

Destination Imagination - Parent Info Night
Parent Info Night for Destination Imagination in all Schools will be held on Tuesday, September 27th at the McKelvie Intermediate Cafeteria.   To learn more about the program and how to provide your child with this enrichment opportunity, please come and meet our District Coordinator, Marie Russell or email Marie at For more information and to find out what Destination Imagination is all about, click here.  ​

PWS Gear

If anyone is interested in buying new PWS gear such as shirts, sweatshirts, pajama pants, and lunch bags please visit  If you would prefer, we also have paper order forms available in the front office.

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